Spacecopter – A Novel Technical Approach for Reusable Space Launch Vehicles

Spacecopter – A Novel Technical Approach for Reusable Space Launch Vehicles

Spacecopter Plakat

The Spacecopter concept provides a new approach for reusable space launch vehicles that will not only drastically reduce the transportation cost for payloads into orbit but also has the potential to fundamentally revolutionise spaceflight. By combining known and well-established technologies from the automotive, electric flight and chemical battery industry, the Spacecopter project is a low-risk but highly innovative answer to the problem of high transportation costs for orbital payloads. Utilising electrically-driven propellers for the initial launch phase and to return rocket stages to the ground will not only reduce costs but also reduce the mechanical and acoustic loads for the payload. The Spacecopter concept will allow a commercial airline type of operation with only minor check-out procedures between flights. This not only allows completely new market approaches and business opportunities for launch service customers but will, in the long term, squeeze all classic expendable launch vehicles out of the market.


  • Cost reduction for space launch services of up to 80%
  • Low environmental impact and low carbon footprint
  • Low mechanical and acoustic impact on payloads
  • High reliability
  • Airline type of operation

MAS-Tech Solutions – Smartify your component

MAS-Tech Solutions – Smartify your component


In the manufacturing process, there is a great need for more sophisticated data analysis – a need that has been brought to us by several players from industry. While showing simple deep learning inference models run on a smartphone, we identified great potential for parameter optimisation on CNC mills, better selection of rejects of 3D-printed parts, or in turning machines. Similarly, lots of data must be processed in space, spaceship components tested on the ground before launch, and/or collected data analysed on the ground. This can be automated using AI-based data analysis of all types of sensors. We are currently in the prototyping phase for a drill chuck for a CNC milling machine, or similar, in order to train the networks and set up the generic data platform. In a second step, MAS-Tech aims to transfer the approach of CNC sensor analysis to telemetry data from ESA’s Gaia, which (to our knowledge) is processed manually, and similar space application scenarios. We will then address customers. The total available AI-based sensor market, and also the serviceable obtainable market, is tremendous and growing rapidly, especially in Germany with the many mid-sized engineering companies.


  • Generic data platform
  • Holistic sensor data analysis
  • Platform-independent, scalable and adaptive
  • Reliable (and documented) decisions
  • Reduced work for skilled experts

MAS-Tech Solutions
Maximilian Binder
Amelie Erben
Severin Reiz

HERA – Integration of active and passive thermal management system for batteries in electrical cars within a load-bearing structure

HERA – Integration of active and passive thermal management system for batteries in electrical cars within a load-bearing structure


Batteries in electric vehicles need to operate within a narrow temperature window to ensure maximum range and a long life. Load peaks, such as rapid charging and high acceleration or cold/hot environmental conditions, can cause the battery to exceed this window. Large active thermal management systems are currently used to absorb load peaks and prevent the battery from heating up or cooling down. These active systems consume a large amount of energy and imply additional mass. Furthermore, they are often not able to maintain the optimal operating temperature indefinitely, causing degradation of the battery cells. At HERA, we buffer load peaks by means of latent heat storage in passive components based on phase-change materials (PCM). To make this as efficient as possible, we have developed an intelligent structure that couples effective storage of the heat generated in the battery in the PCM with a tailored active cooling system. In this way, load peaks can be levelled out, thereby increasing range and extending battery life. The structure is based on Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS), which also allows efficient mass-specific mechanical load-bearing capability.


  • Weight savings through loadbearing structure.
  • Possibility to manufacture these structures conventionally (no additive manufacturing necessary)
  • High adaptability through tailorable geometry
  • Wide range of other applications, such as electrical aviation, heat pumps, reusable rockets, or energy storage for energy grid stability

Institut für Strukturmechanik und Leichtbau
RWTH Aachen
Tobias Meinert

New biological microgravity test platform

New biological microgravity test platform

Imagen 1

Micro G Scope (MGS) is an innovative approach to the problem of biological testing in space, using an innovative fluorescence contact CMOS microscope and special growing chamber in a CubeSat. The technical requirements for space biology are enormous, and the effort to reduce the cost while maintaining precision and safety is huge. The project’s goal is to solve the problem of the accessibility
(and cost) of biological tests in space by providing not only an instrument for biological experiments, but a whole service for pharma and bio-tech companies that will include: experiment design, cell preparation microscale fluorescence microscope, and calibration chamber. In addition, the microlaboratory could be easily modified to accommodate alternative experiments such as seed and spore germination, embryology studies, and the production of nutrients in space, among others. Micro G Scope‘s first design is aimed at testing cancer drugs in space to extract information on whether these drugs work under reduced gravity conditions. The project is currently at SRR level (System Requirements Review) through PDR (Preliminary Design Review).


  • New cell chamber and microscope design for biological experiments in space based on a lensless design with no moving parts and the size of a credit card
  • Reduced cost and time to perform the experiments
  • New full service for the pharma industry where experiment preparation, mission accomplishments, and data review are transparent for the client

JMP ingenieros SL
Jorge Remírez Miguel
Alfredo Martinez Ramirez

Small intelligent system for space independence (SISSI)

Small intelligent system for space independence (SISSI)

Metrom, Hartmannsdorf, Merlin, Smarthoch3, Smart³, Fr. Witt

It will be necessary to establish local production capabilities in space in the near future. The transport costs and time until components are available are the most important factors here, which make it essential to manufacture and repair on site. The conventional production capabilities available up to now on Earth are heavy, cannot be transported, and require mechanical precision in the machine structure to allow for accuracy on the workpiece. Robots used for processing are not precise enough and consist of various individual components. The solution here is to develop and manufacture a miniaturised processing system based on parallel kinematics. The modular basic structure and the inherent features of the functionality demonstrated on Earth are redesigned, manufactured in a miniaturised form, and put into operation. This is what SISSI was made for.
A small processing system, which can adapt to the environmental conditions and always creates the optimal result with the lowest possible use of resources.


  • Mechanically simple structure with repeated components
  • μ-level precision thanks to self-calibration
  • Processing in unfavourable conditions thanks to dust protection and temperature compensation
  • No limit on processing by replacing the technological tools
  • High degree of stiffness due to special frame shape
  • Low energy consumption

Metrom Mechatronische Maschinen GmbH
Marcus Witt

PhySens – intelligent system maintenance and current monitoring

PhySens – intelligent system maintenance and current monitoring


With increasing automation and demand for energy efficiency, new digital measurement solutions are more pertinent than ever for monitoring and process optimisations. Existing products based on current monitoring lack flexibility and are costly to install. Due to the operating principle, these sensors can only measure the current in a single conductor of a cable. Therefore, these systems are unsuitable for many businesses, especially for retrofits because of cost and complexity. Based on space technology deployed as part of ESA’s Rosetta Mission, PhySens GmbH developed a contactless, non-invasive and easily retrofittable sensor solution for current measurement. By simply mounting the sensor on a cable, it measures the currents in all conductors simultaneously using high-precision magnetic field data. As a result, this new sensor-solution can detect and classify anomalies in current profiles caused by e.g. faulty motors or seized bearings in hard-to-access or sealed machinery. This is vital for intelligent load management and predictive maintenance as part of industrial automation or future manned space missions.


  • New contactless, non-invasive current sensor based on space technology
  • Vital for industrial automation
  • Easy-to-install, flexible and safe solution also suitable for space applications

PhySens GmbH
Katharina Ostaszewski

Artificial Intelligence for and from Satellite Internet Constellations

Artificial Intelligence for and from Satellite Internet Constellations

The main stakeholder in the commercial space industry are looking for ways to deploy, operate and maintain large satellite constellations at low cost. Projections indicate that in the next decade, the number of satellites in Earth‘s orbit will increase from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands. Managing such a large number of satellites manually with conventional control centres and workers will be very difficult and expensive, which is why operators and space agencies are looking for ways to automate their constellation management. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms can provide support. Avoiding collisions with space debris, setting up and maintaining communication networks, monitoring the condition of the satellites and their operating routines are just some of the tasks that StellAI Space intends to solve with AI. The company‘s solution will use data from hundreds of satellites forming existing constellations in orbit as input for machine learning algorithms. The resulting model will be used to build a scale-up simulation with hundreds of thousands of satellites and leverage AI to achieve constellation autonomy.


  • Mega-constellation management
  • Automation of satellite maintenance
  • Minimises manpower and ground infrastructure
  • Long-term sustainability of space activities

StellAI Space
Buchloe, Germany
Vardan Semerjyan




In space, water is a precious commodity. Too precious to wash with it. At the International Space Station ISS, astronauts wear their garments for a prolonged period of time. These are then disposed of after the space mission. Infinity GmbH has developed the RefresherBoxx, which can be used to clean, disinfect and dry all kinds of textiles without the use of water or chemicals. By combining different physical methods (light of different wavelengths, active oxygen, different temperature modes and air pressure differences), bacteria, fungi and viruses are killed and removed. As a result, textiles can be refreshed gently within 30 minutes, valuable resources can be saved and human diseases prevented.


  • Disinfection – removes up to 99.99512 % of bacteria, fungi and viruses, preventing odours and infections
  • Environmentally friendly and resourcesaving use in space and on Earth
  • Suitable for any textile and material

Infinity StartUp GmbH
Aachen, Germany
Sing-Hong Stefan Chang

Additive manufacturing method for metallic coatings of CFRP propellant tanks

Additive manufacturing method for metallic coatings of CFRP propellant tanks

Additive manufacturing method for metallic coatings of CFRP

Propellant tanks for rocket stages made of carbon-fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) need to be lined with a metallic coating (called a liner) on the inside to protect the material from aggressive propellant components and to ensure tightness. Until now, these protective layers have been produced in an expensive manufacturing process by forming and welding thin-walled metal sheets.
Additive Space GmbH is developing a thermal spraying process by which metallic coatings can be applied to the inside of the CFRP structure quickly and cost-effectively. The method enables several layers of metals with different material properties to be applied one after the other with the minimum required layer thickness. Apart from the spraying device, which is mounted on an industrial robot, for example, no further devices adapted to the geometry of the respective fuel tank are required.


  • Thermal spray process for very thin coating thicknesses (≤ 100μ) with low mass increase
  • Cost / effort reduction, since a metal liner does not have to be produced separately
  • No geometric specific devices necessary – universal system use
  • Moderate development risk through adaptation of an established procedure
  • High scalability
  • Wide range of applications

Additive Space GmbH
Neusäß, Germany
Sascha Larch

AC Biode – The World‘s First Standalone AC Battery

AC Biode – The World‘s First Standalone AC Battery

esa bic 3

The demand for high-capacity batteries in the space industry has significantly increased and battery capacity is still insufficient in terms of mobility and safety. AC Biode Ltd. is developing the first-ever standalone battery based on alternating current (AC). Biode features the characteristics of both anodes and cathodes. Thanks to a special electric circuit also found in particle accelerators, the system offers more V/Ah flexibility, requires 30% less space, and is safer than every type of regular direct-current (DC) battery. Conventional batteries use DC, which leads to power loss when electricity is converted from AC to DC. AC Biode Ltd. will utilise existing materials and battery production lines to penetrate the market faster than competitors that use new materials or types. Applications are possible in space and in connection with drones, electric vehicles and scooters, and energy storage.


  • Battery is up to 30% more compact and reduces conversion losses
  • Uses existing materials/battery production lines
  • Safer than conventional Li-ion batteries
  • Lower electrical resistance (safer/longer-lasting)

AC Biode Ltd.
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tadashi Kubo