“Moon Village” is considered one of the most important projects of manned space flight. However, the long-term energy supply for the urbanisation of the Moon has not yet been clarified. Temperatures vary between -170 °C and +120 °C, and solar energy is unavailable during the two week long moon nights. There are no fossil fuels on the Moon. The energy supply must be secured with lunar regolith, a mixture of different metal oxides. Current storage systems, such as batteries, heat accumulators or mechanical storage units, lack the capacity for long-term supply. The Fraunhofer IST and ICT are developing a process by which metallic iron can be extracted from regolith and used as a non-fossil fuel. Unlike fossil fuels, the combustion products are solid and can be collected. They are recycled in a novel process and can be reused. The unique solution uses a direct electrochemical process to recycle the iron oxide in order to produce iron again, bypassing the previously known hydrogen route. This makes the process very efficient. It operates at temperatures below 100°C. The process can be used terrestrially in modified power plants or combined heat and power plants and thus makes a significant contribution to climate protection (decarbonisation).


  • Circular economy
  • Time-independent energy supply (day/night) on the Moon
  • Iron fuel is extracted from lunar regolith
  • On Earth, the process makes an important contribution to decarbonisation
  • Combustion products are recycled by means of excess electricity

Fraunhofer IST
Dr Andreas Dietz


Aerostructure Multifunctional Cover Against Environmental Radiation

Aerostructure Multifunctional Cover Against Environmental Radiation

3 AeroMulE_Pitchdeck_INNOspace Masters 2022

We all increasingly use communication networks, including Wi-Fi, mobile phones, satellite networks, Internet of Things, autonomous driving, and monitoring in medicine and the environment. People, as well as machines, will become more and more connected wirelessly. Therefore, the number of antennas integrated into electronic devices is drastically increasing, resulting in strong demand for countermeasures against unwanted signals and noise. Until now, typically metal-based materials have been used to shield electronics. While these are very secure, they are intrinsically very heavy. Moreover, the antennas themselves cannot be covered, as they would then no longer be able to transmit signals. We aim here to drastically reduce the weight of such shields by employing an ultra-lightweight class of materials, called framework aero materials. We will develop small, innovative safety caps that are easy to apply, without being a barrier to the further miniaturization of electronic devices. This new kind of cap will also enable frequency selectivity, thereby increasing the digital security of communication.


  • Ultra-lightweight cover against unwanted  signals
  • Increase in digital security and protection against jamming
  • Frequency-selective: antennas can be protected
  • Very adaptable for specific geometries without mounting interfaces
  • High frequency tightness
  • Wide range of applications at different value-added levels

Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik der Technischen Universität Dresden
Dr Tino Schmiel
Institut für Materialwissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Dr Fabian Schütt

PFDS – Pre-Ignition Fire Detection System

PFDS – Pre-Ignition Fire Detection System

Downward burning of the Saffire V sample at 60kPa_40O2

Fire on board inhabited spacecraft or habitats on the Moon or Mars is one of the greatest conceivable hazards. Fires are currently detected exclusively by smoke detectors. Due to the weightlessness in orbit, they are prone to frequent false alarms triggered by non-sedimenting dust, while the preferred direction of smoke propagation is slowly towards the life-support system’s intake. In addition, smoke detectors can principally only detect an existing fire situation and, in the omnipresence of dust on the Moon, they can no longer be expected to function reliably. The new PFDS approach detects potential fire sources based on off-normal thermal outgassing of materials, e.g., volatile organic components from plastics or fabrics, in the cabin air. The semiconducting metal oxide sensors do not react to specific gases, but react to alterations in the overall composition of the air. Trained by applying machine-learning methods, they can reliably recognise alarming composition patterns. The method has already been successfully used to survey underground high-voltage power lines. It also has great potential for improved detection of terrestrial fires – ideally long before they break out.


  • Detection of potential fire sources even before ignition occurs
  • Proven principle
  • Low-cost components (for terrestrial application)
  • Easy installation
  • Wide range of applications

Universität Bremen,
Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation, ZARM
Christian Eigenbrod




Energy security plays a major role for satellites and space stations due to their isolated places of operation. Since solar energy is often used to operate these spacecraft, reliable energy storage systems are crucial to compensate for fluctuations in direct solar radiation. These storage systems need to have a very long service life as well as a high operational safety in order to sustainably reduce resource-intensive replacement missions as well as hazards for humans and equipment. However, the battery systems currently used in spacecraft have significant deficits in these areas. That’s why, with »SpaceFlow«, a new energy storage concept for space applications is being presented, which completely fulfils the requirements. »SpaceFlow« is an incomparably long-lasting, charge-cycle-stable, safe and reliable redox flow battery system based on porous metal foam electrodes and zinc-polyiodide electrolytes. The innovative design allows the pressure-stable yet flexible battery cells to be integrated directly into the spacecraft support structures, so that, in addition to energy storage, other functions such as module stiffening or thermal management can be realised with an efficient use of space.


  • Very long service life and theoretically unlimited cycle stability
  • Particularly high operational safety and environmentally neutral cell chemistry
  • Very efficient use of space with multiple applications

Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental,
Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT
Jan Girschik

TOMOPLEX – A sensor film to monitor structures during flight and under a load

TOMOPLEX – A sensor film to monitor structures during flight and under a load

INNOspace_Broschuere_2020-2021-2nd DLR

Only reusability ensures cost-effectiveness in order to be able to operate the space sector in line with “New Space”. However, the possible saving in costs is limited by maintenance requirements. Some faults also only occur under a load, but remain hidden during inspections without a load. One example of this is break lines, which fit together perfectly in an unloaded state. A comprehensive installation of measuring probes to monitor structures during flight is not currently feasible, as the conventional measuring technology required for this is too large and heavy. The problem of needing to monitor structures in real time has now been resolved by creating a version of the sensor as a sensor film that can be applied to the surfaces of the structures undergoing monitoring. It is possible to use alternative measuring procedures and, in particular, electric impedance tomography (EIT) here, which has been uncommon in the aerospace sector up to now. The sensor film acts as the circuit carrier for a wireless sensor network. The sensor film is space-saving and flexible, and can also be used in hard-to-reach areas.


  • Continuous real-time monitoring under a load during flight
  • Increase in the likelihood of reusability
  • Reduced costs due to optimised maintenance with the aid of innovative analysis data

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Alexander Hilgarth, Prof. Sergio Montenegro

Universität Würzburg

QuVeKS – quantum processors for encrypted communication with satellites

QuVeKS – quantum processors for encrypted communication with satellites

INNOspace_Broschuere_2020-2021-1st DLR

Novel quantum technologies of the 21st century promise unconditionally secure communication, exponentially larger computational power as well as compact and more precise sensors. Many of the quantum systems under investigation, however, are application-specific and not compatible with each other. Within the QuVeKS project, a universal quantum processor will be developed at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and the CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik. This processor integrates the entire architecture, from the quantum light source to the detectors, into a compact circuit and can be universally programmed just like a computer chip for various applications. The project places a special focus on secure communication with satellites, as the QuVeKS chip can be used as a light source for quantum cryptography during daylight. Moreover, compared to conventional laser-based systems, the data rates can be enhanced drastically. In the long term, end-user devices such as smartphones or computers could also be equipped with such a QuVeKS chip, where it could be used as a secure random number generator or as a sensor.


  • Secure communication based on the laws of nature
  • Higher data rates compared to laser-based systems
  • Flexible use cases through universal programming
  • Future standard component with local supply chain

Institute of Applied Physics,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Dr Tobias Vogl



Space Launch System Takes Off. 3D Scene.

Fraunhofer IISB is developing a novel technology for ultra-high-temperature resistant protective coatings for space applications. The HOSSA project is based on the institute’s research work to apply ceramic protective coatings to fibre-reinforced composites using powder coating technology.
The aim is to make the advantages of fibre-reinforced composite components, such as high elongation at fracture, high cracking resistance and dynamic load capacity, available for new applications by increasing heat and oxidation resistance as well as increased mechanical abrasion resistance. The patented technology offers a considerable cost advantage over conventional coating processes and is also suitable for component repair.
With HOSSA, the efficiency of propulsion systems and the exposure time for re-entry vehicles can be increased. These protective coatings can also be applied for power units of aircraft and helicopters as well as gas turbines.


  • Highly tuneable coating technology to achieve different coating properties
  • Cost-effective and highly flexible in terms of part geometry and size
  • Enables the application of fibre-reinforced composites in new applications
  • Higher combustion temperatures and thus increased efficiency of rocket engines and power units

Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and
Device Technology IISB
Erlangen, Germany
Dr-Ing. Christian Reimann

Dr. Beat

Dr. Beat


Astronauts are subject to a high level of physical stress in weightlessness. The continuous monitoring of important bodily functions, especially of the cardiovascular system, is therefore urgently required during the stay in space. Findings from space medicine can also be applied to the diagnosis of heart diseases, which are the most common cause of death worldwide. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, the cost of cardiovascular diseases in 2015 amounted to EUR 46.4 billion. Systems currently used for cardiac diagnostics offer only limited possibilities for monitoring high-risk patients or can only be used for inpatient treatment. The “Dr. Beat” project relies on ballistocardiography (BCG), originally developed for space, which can record actual heart function using modern, digital microelectronics.
Within the scope of the project, a high-precision and cost-effective BCG sensor system is being developed that can be worn on the body as a “wearable” and enables continuous health monitoring.
The extensive signal processing, data evaluation and diagnostics will be automated by means of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and should not only provide new insights into space medicine but also improve diagnostics and early detection of cardiological diseases in everyday life.


  • Cost-effective, wearable BCG sensor system including signal processing and data evaluation for diagnostics and prediction of
    cardiovascular processes
  • Comprehensive, ubiquitous, discrete and continuous cardiovascular diagnostics for risk patients on Earth and astronauts in space using AI
  • Fields of application: space medicine, terrestrial medical technology, wellness sector, safety-critical jobs (e.g. pilots, drivers)

DSI Aerospace Technologie GmbH
Bremen, Germany
Dr Ulf Kulau

QuMSeC – Quantum Memories for Secure Communication

QuMSeC – Quantum Memories for Secure Communication

QuMSeC – Quantum Memories for Secure Communication

With a turnover of USD 156.3 billion1, satellite communication is a key component of the global digital economy and is of strategic importance to government and society. The Internet, television, telephony or communication in aviation and shipping rely on highly secure satellite communication networks.
However, the encryption methods used in data transmission today are vulnerable, which poses considerable security risks for critical infrastructures in the energy, telecommunications and transport sectors, for example. Quantum communication generally provides the necessary cyber security for current and future satellite communication systems. However, this has so far been based on the assumption of complete control over the development, manufacture, launch and operation of satellites. The „QuMSeC“ project, carried out by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin, is intended to set new standards for secure quantum key exchange with the help of quantum storage devices, even for untrustworthy satellites. In the future, customers and users without their own satellite infrastructure should benefit from secure data communication via satellites.

1 Global Space Economy 2018 (Source: Bryce Space and Technology, 2020)


  • Verifiable communication security
  • Market basis for quantum communication providers
  • Enables economic exploitation of quantum communication
  • Strengthening of the German leadership role in quantum technology

Technische Universität Berlin, Einstein Center Digital Future, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Prof Janik Wolters, Dr Markus Krutzik
berlinquantum.net, physik.hu-berlin.deqt-berlin.de

MoonFibre – Spinning Technology Fibres from Lunar Rock for Direct Use on Earth’s Satellite

MoonFibre – Spinning Technology Fibres from Lunar Rock for Direct Use on Earth’s Satellite

MoonFibre – Spinning Technology Fibres from Lunar Rock for

Private and public institutions all over the world pursue one common mission: a manned station on the moon. The costs of rocket flights alone to transport such a station to the moon would be approximately EUR 1,000,000 per kilogramme. This is why numerous research teams around the world are working on solutions to use moon rock to manufacture 3D-printed structural components on-site. The MoonFibre project at RWTH Aachen University is developing a spinning system that will be able to produce fibres directly from lunar rocks. These fibres could be used not only to stabilise the 3D-printed structure of the lunar station, but also for thermal isolation, filter systems, or the textiles of astronaut suits. RWTH Aachen intends to further develop a spinning process already used in industry for basalt fibres as a compact and easily transportable system for use on the lunar surface. The spinning process is to be tested under zero gravity within an in-orbit demonstration experiment. The proof-of-concept will serve as the basis for the future on-site production of fibres and textiles on the moon.


  • Permanent settlements on the moon and technology transfer into space
  • Cost-effective on-site production of fibres and textiles on the lunar surface
  • Development of a robust, automated, and miniaturised spinning technology

RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
Alexander Lüking