STMF – Satellite Thermal Management with Ferrofluids

STMF – Satellite Thermal Management with Ferrofluids

STMF – Satellite Thermal Management with Ferrofluids

The thermal control system (TCS) is a critical component of satellites, one that is supposed to regulate the temperature of payloads and satellite buses under varying internal and external heat loads. Conventional TCSes use cooling fluids and mechanical pumps whose vibrations disturb payloads and sensors onboard a satellite. ZARM proposes a TCS technology based on ferrofluid cooling liquid that is pumped by magnetic fields to avoid mechanical vibrations. This TCS consists of pumping modules that are constructed from a minimum of four magnetic coils to transfer the ferrofluid. To avoid magnetic disturbances in other parts of the satellite, a μ-metal shield is placed around the pump. Since ferrofluids take on different magnetic properties when cooled or heated, permanent magnets can be employed to define prominent places where heat is absorbed. The focus lies on a scalable and modular design that can be included in a broad range of satellite missions. In particular, such missions will likely involve concepts with strongly varying thermal boundary conditions and high-precision measurements, such as for geodesy, Earth observation, or fundamental physics applications.


  • Decreased vibrations within the thermal control system
  • Improved noise environment
  • Scalable, flexible, modular design that can be adapted to a broad range of thermal boundary conditions

ZARM, University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany
Dr Benny Rievers

SmartSpace – A Module for Global IoT Cloud Service Operations

SmartSpace – A Module for Global IoT Cloud Service Operations

Existing cellular network infrastructure is not sufficient for the widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT) applications outside metropolitan areas. A functional data connection forms part of the core of any IoT application.
Currently, transmitting data to IoT devices via satellites is uneconomical and complex because the devices are designed with a small form factor (i.e. small antennas), which facilitates low-power consumption and minimal data throughput. The SmartSpace concept provides for dedicated communication modules on the ground and in the space segment to enable data collection and transmission. Within this concept, SmartSpace modules serve as a data collector for multiple IoT devices and their applications and relay the collected data via a superior satellite backbone network. It is no longer necessary to operate a dedicated ground station, the intermediate SmartSpace network acts as a connecting link. This will facilitate the use of SmartSpace in remote areas and large infrastructures.


  • Enable terrestrial and space-borne IoT applications
  • Cloud-based monitoring and control for satellites
  • Big data analytics for small satellite missions and turnkey CubeSat operations
  • Terrestrial SmartSpace network to grow incrementally via new module launches

TU Braunschweig – Institute of Space Systems
Braunschweig, Germany
Prof Dr Enrico Stoll

IRON Software
Munich, Germany
Christian Kendi