Silent Running – Intrinsic Structural Vibration Reduction for Carrier Rockets Using Metamaterials

silent running

When launching and flying a rocket, vibrations must be reduced to such an extent that they do not cause damage to the payload and structure. In the “Silent Running” project, MT Aerospace and Fraunhofer LBF are using carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP) with metamaterials, in order to reduce the vibrations that affect on the payload and structure during acceleration. Metamaterials combine the benefits of active and passive vibration reduction and are used, in the automotive industry, amongst others. “Silent Running” specifically targets to minimise vibrations in the upper stages of future Ariane carrier rockets. The innovative vibration dampers should be integrated into the load-bearing structure of the carrier rockets, so that the heavy damping elements conventionally used are no longer required.


  • Efficient rocket stages and complex payloads with longer service lives by minimising vibrations in the stage structures
  • Efficient rocket stages and complex payloads with longer service lives by minimising vibrations in the stage structures
  • Transporting of satellites with effective payloads and thus improved payload/cost ratio per launch
  • Spin-off into the automotive, aerospace and shipping industries
Sara Perfetto

Fraunhofer LBF
Darmstadt, Germany
Sara Perfetto


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