Initial submission
MA61C is a universal adapter that connects any subsystem to any spacecraft platform, reducing the costs and time involved in satellite manufacturing. Once MA61C is connected with the satellite subsystem and the on-board computer, it powers up and integrates them.
The advantages are:
The INNOspace Master gave SPiN access to ESA BIC Bavaria, which allowed the team to develop and produce the first MA61C prototype. In additional workshops with OHB, feedback was provided on the product and the business plan. The feedback included which technologies should be involved and the business plan was validated by showing there is a need for the product as a universal interface between suppliers andmanufacturers.
SPiN was the first spin-in start-up in an ESA BIC after its participation in the INNOspace Masters and thus a pioneer for many other companies. The company focuses on making components and subsystems available to the space industry more cost-effectively and
efficiently through a modular concept. The developed multi-purpose adapter MA61C was launched into low Earth orbit for the first time in 2022.
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